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MFES 2022 —— Come see us in Booth C10 Nov.22-24,2022

MFES 2022 —— Come see us in Booth C10 Nov.22-24,2022

The International Electric Networks Forum is one of the largest exhibitions organized by the unified energy company of Russia, the Ministry of Energy of Russia, and the Industrial and Commercial Department of the Russian Federation. It showcases products and services to related to electric power transmission., Typically, it attracts participants from the electric power industry, manufacturers, suppliers, service providers, and other related organizations. At this exhibition, participants can showcase their products and services, as well communicate as communicate and exchange opinions with other industry representatives to learn about the latest technological advancements, markets, and trends in the industry.

30417100020 - MFES 2022 —— Come see us in Booth C10 Nov.22-24,2022

Our company also participated in this event. We specialize in the production and sale of power line hardware and adhere to a business philosophy that is based on technological advancements and customer-oriented approach. Our company strives to provide our customers with quality products and services. At the recent exhibition of electrical transmission components, we actively participated, showcasing our latest developments and technologies, and engaging with other participants of the exhibition.


During the exhibition, our booth attracted a lot of attention from clients and visitors, whom we showcased our products such as pole line hardware, cable accessories, wire connectors, insulators, and more. We also explained our production technology and the advantages of our products. At the same time, we engaged with other participants of the exhibition, sharing the latest trends, technological advancements, market requirements and market requirements, which contributed to the development of our business and the expansion of our contacts.


Summing up all the above, we have achieved good results in the field of power transmission components. We have received praise from clients and visitors of this forum. We will continue to engage in research, development, and manufacturing of components for power transmission lines, as well as provide customers with high-quality products and services, in order to make a significant contribution to the development of the power industry.

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